How to make an interesting financial presentation

Let’s face it, financial data has a reputation for being boring and a financial presentation can fill even the most professional with dread.

To change this perception, you must create a presentation that you want to tell. Keep your audience interested instead of making them feel bored. Use these tips to make an engaging financial presentation and make sure people listen to what you’re saying.

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Don't copy and paste all your data on the slides

This is where many people go wrong. They try to say everything at once and end up filling their slides with number blocks that bore and confuse their audience.

The goal of your finance presentation should be to give company leaders the quantitative information they need to make decisions, but they won’t be prepared to do so if they’re confused about the numbers.

Not all members of your audience will have the same level of financial education, so you have to convey the most important data as clearly and effectively as possible.

Make your presentation attractive

Too much text will kill any presentation. People just don’t respond to uninterrupted blocks of information. To make an interesting financial presentation slides, make sure you have at least some interesting and relevant graphics. A well-designed and simple presentation will grab the attention and attention of your listeners.

If design isn’t your thing, finance apps like Roambi or Collabmobile turn data into compelling images to back up what you have to say. And, if appropriate, throw in a funny photo or gif to illustrate a point. We are all human and making each other laugh a smile during a data-heavy presentation can be refreshing.

You can also download a completely free kit of attractive icons here to make your information more attractive and striking.

Beyond the numbers

Just telling people what the numbers are is not enough. You need to dig a little deeper and indicate why they are important. In other words, you must tell the story behind the data.

Executives love data and measurability, but only when they can draw meaningful conclusions from it. Don’t assume your audience can extract meaning from looking at a set of numbers or statistics.

Questions and answers during the presentation

People are more interested when there is a conversation. To engage your audience in your presentation, leave time in between for Q&A, it’s always good to offer time for comments, questions, and suggestions. Interaction reigns supreme in the attention of the audience, as they have to participate and show that they have been listening.

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